Mastering JavaScript Classes: A Comprehensive Guide


by Stefan Ancik

02 min read

Aug 09, 2024



What Are JavaScript Classes?

In JavaScript, Classes are a blueprint for creating objects. They encapsulate data and behavior, allowing developers to define objects with a clear structure and consistent interface. Although JavaScript has always supported object creation via prototypes, classes provide a cleaner and more intuitive syntax for working with objects and inheritance.

Key Concepts of JavaScript Classes:

1. Defining a Class:

A class is defined using the class keyword, followed by the class name. The constructor method is used to initialize the object's properties.

   class Vehicle {
       constructor(make, model, year) {
           this.make = make;
           this.model = model;
           this.year = year;

       getDetails() {
           return `${this.year} ${this.make} ${this.model}`;

2. Creating Instances:

Instances of a class are created using the new keyword. Each instance is a unique object based on the class blueprint.

   let car = new Vehicle("Toyota", "Camry", 2020);
   console.log(car.getDetails()); // 2020 Toyota Camry

3. Class Methods:

Methods are functions defined within a class. They operate on the data contained within the class and can be called on the class instances.

   class Calculator {
       add(a, b) {
           return a + b;

       subtract(a, b) {
           return a - b;

   let calc = new Calculator();
   console.log(calc.add(5, 3)); // 8
   console.log(calc.subtract(10, 4)); // 6

4. Inheritance:

Inheritance allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. This promotes code reuse and organization.

   class Animal {
       constructor(name) {
  = name;

       speak() {
           return `${} makes a sound.`;

   class Dog extends Animal {
       speak() {
           return `${} barks.`;

   let dog = new Dog("Rex");
   console.log(dog.speak()); // Rex barks.

5. Static Methods:

Static methods are defined on the class itself, rather than on instances of the class. They are called directly on the class.

   class MathHelper {
       static multiply(a, b) {
           return a * b;

   console.log(MathHelper.multiply(6, 7)); // 42

Advanced Class Features

JavaScript classes also come with several advanced features that allow for more sophisticated object-oriented programming.

1. Getters and Setters:

Getters and setters allow you to define how properties of a class are accessed and modified.

   class Rectangle {
       constructor(width, height) {
           this._width = width;
           this._height = height;

       get area() {
           return this._width * this._height;

       set width(newWidth) {
           this._width = newWidth;

   let rect = new Rectangle(10, 20);
   console.log(rect.area); // 200
   rect.width = 15;
   console.log(rect.area); // 300

2. Private Fields:

Private fields are marked with a # and are not accessible outside of the class. This feature enforces encapsulation.

   class BankAccount {

       constructor(initialBalance) {
           this.#balance = initialBalance;

       deposit(amount) {
           this.#balance += amount;

       getBalance() {
           return this.#balance;

   let account = new BankAccount(1000);
   console.log(account.getBalance()); // 1500
   // console.log(account.#balance); // SyntaxError: Private field '#balance' must be declared in an enclosing class

3. Class Inheritance and super():

The super() function is used to call the constructor of the parent class. This is particularly useful when extending a class.

   class Person {
       constructor(name) {
  = name;

       greet() {
           return `Hello, my name is ${}.`;

   class Employee extends Person {
       constructor(name, jobTitle) {
           this.jobTitle = jobTitle;

       greet() {
           return `${super.greet()} I am a ${this.jobTitle}.`;

   let emp = new Employee("Alice", "Software Engineer");
   console.log(emp.greet()); // Hello, my name is Alice. I am a Software Engineer.

Best Practices for Using Classes

- Encapsulation: Keep data within a class private and expose only what is necessary through methods.

- Inheritance: Use inheritance to avoid code duplication, but be cautious of overly complex inheritance hierarchies.

- Static Methods: Use static methods for functionality that does not depend on individual instances of a class.


JavaScript classes provide a powerful way to create and manage objects, encapsulating both data and behavior. By using classes, developers can write more organized, reusable, and maintainable code. Whether you're building small applications or large-scale systems, understanding and utilizing classes will significantly enhance your JavaScript skills.

With classes, you can embrace the principles of object-oriented programming, bringing structure and clarity to your codebase. As you continue to explore JavaScript, integrating classes into your workflow will help you build more robust and scalable applications.

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Stefan Ancik

Stefan Ancik is a talented software developer with a passion for creating efficient and innovative digital solutions. With a background in computer science and several years of industry experience, Stefan has honed his skills in various programming languages and frameworks, excelling particularly in full-stack development. Known for his problem-solving abilities, he enjoys tackling complex challenges and turning ideas into functional, user-friendly applications.

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